Good Afternoon!
Here is your Pemberton market update for Monday September 11th.
There are 4 new listings on the market in the past 7 days: A gorgeous 5 bedroom home in the heart of Pemberton, a 3 bedroom home on 2+ acres, 2 bedroom manufactured home in Mount Currie View Mobile Park and a 2 bedroom Mountains Edge condo. If you would like to make arrangements to view any of these properties please let me know.
Sold! A vacant lot on Pinewood Drive and a 5.5 bedroom home on Dogwood Street.
If you would like to be automatically notified of listings up to 24 hours before they appear on the MLS visit my website and sign up for listing notifications. The same can be done for sale notifications - simply contact me directly.
*Information is gathered from the WLS and is deemed to be accurate as of September 11, 2017. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale