Pemberton Market Updates


March 2024

7 Things in a Home Inspection Report That Often Get Blown Out of Proportion

Posted on Mar 27, 2024

By Lighter Side Staff

You fell in love with a house. 
You made an offer. 
It was accepted! 
Your mortgage process is going smoothly. 
The appraisal justified the price you paid. 
Everything is going perfect… 

…and then you had the home inspected, and the report made it sound like the place is falling apart, and it’s a house only a bulldozer would love.

Hold up...

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Selling when you have pets

Posted on Mar 26, 2024

When you are selling a house with pets there are things that you need to think of before you market and list your property. While I absolutely love my dog, she’s not going to appeal to every one. Just because I love my dog doesn’t mean everyone else does, and that’s especially true when home-buyers are coming through their potential forever home.


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